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Friday March 24th 2023

By March 25, 2023Food for thought

Today the Uber driver app says I completed 4 trips today. I made a little over $55.00 today and I also got one starred again. So the 4.97 on the front page is now a 4.94 today the feedback said, the pickup was too far? I got 1 starred Sunday too because I was distracted by my phone it seemed. Umm that is true, I look at the phone to see the destination address and where to turn next. A couple weeks ago a woman 1 starred me because she heard a noise, okay fine, I knew what it was, but the riders didn’t. So I can understand that rating. It happens. That is just the way humanity is, some are worse than others that’s all. I ordered the parts from Amazon and the fix for that took me like an hour to resolve. Next March or whenever they fall off will make my rating sky rocket over 3 weeks. On a good note, Ruby/my car rolled over to 500K miles and I captured that on my Akaso action cam that cost $70.00 total. The footage came out with a lot of red in it. I think it can be fixed though, either way though. I got it captured and I just gotta cut it down from 42 Minutes to under 5 seconds. I really don’t need the rest.