I still can’t earn via Uber driving from that crash. My car is still in the driveway, I am waiting for a damage estimator person from my progressive auto insurance to make an appointment with me and that hasn’t even been done to give me an appointment. My progressive adjuster is a woman and is the same lady I have for the Uber policy. I was with Geico before and they have a damage estimator practically stalk you until they estimate the damage to your car. The progressive adjuster told me it could be up to 3 days! until the estimator gets there. I have the place picked out to repair. That adjuster lady did give me a lot of good information though. She did as much as she could do. She always contacted me right back. I told her 1 time text me or email me, I never answer my phone. She always contacts me right back usually with a text. Her name was something crazy Russian or something and she just told me to call her M.J. There is no J anywhere though, things like that drive me crazy.
Still unable to drive because of yesterday’s accident. Sundays are usually $150.00 days. I started a claim with my own personal progressive insurance and I only have 50K uninsured motorist coverage on my personal coverage Uber not only has a crazy $2500.00 deductible, but they also no longer have any uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage and the police report says “NONE” under the auto insurance portion of the police report. There were 2 passengers in my car during the accident so Uber insurance will take over, the way It seems, there will be no UM coverage at all. The Uber insurance only pays the actual cash value of my vehicle which is very probably very low. I bet that amount is not hyper-inflated but the cost of a new car for me to drive for Uber will be. I don’t even know if my personal UM coverage will even come into play here, so there looks like there is no UM coverage for me as the driver. So Uber insurance is exactly like Lyft’s insurance now the Same exact provider (progressive) a high deductible of $2500.00 that I don’t have, will have to borrow a credit card to pay it because Uber driving pays very little. For that high deductible, there is no UM coverage at all for the driver and their insurance will probably want to total Ruby/my car because it has high mileage. The only good thing is because Uber driving is my primary source of income, I opted for the optional “driver-only coverage” so because my back is hurting, I called to get a claim number for them Uber has been taking about 4 cents per mile I drive from every trip since 2021 when I first learned the coverage was available. The lady I spoke with took the report number and everything on the police report except all the passengers in the vehicle that hit me, and then she gave me a reference number and told me someone will contact me tomorrow to give me a claim number. I was like wait, you just took all that information from me, and you are not going to give me a claim number (it is Sunday) so I can go get medical care now. The lady was like someone will contact you tomorrow and give you a claim number. So I will wait until tomorrow to get medical care under that claim number because it is no deductable coverage.
I was in a car accident today. I will post the footage here soon from my dashcam. I was stopped at a stop sign in Tampa with a couple
in the back and a lady came off the street in front of me and struck my car head-on. The purple car struck me. The person that yelled “FUCK”
at impact was one of the Uber passengers. I captured this video with the Vantrue dashcam on the affiliates page.
Today the Uber driver app says I completed 4 trips today. I made a little over $55.00 today and I also got one starred again. So the 4.97 on the front page is now a 4.94 today the feedback said, the pickup was too far? I got 1 starred Sunday too because I was distracted by my phone it seemed. Umm that is true, I look at the phone to see the destination address and where to turn next. A couple weeks ago a woman 1 starred me because she heard a noise, okay fine, I knew what it was, but the riders didn’t. So I can understand that rating. It happens. That is just the way humanity is, some are worse than others that’s all. I ordered the parts from Amazon and the fix for that took me like an hour to resolve. Next March or whenever they fall off will make my rating sky rocket over 3 weeks. On a good note, Ruby/my car rolled over to 500K miles and I captured that on my Akaso action cam that cost $70.00 total. The footage came out with a lot of red in it. I think it can be fixed though, either way though. I got it captured and I just gotta cut it down from 42 Minutes to under 5 seconds. I really don’t need the rest.
Today the Uber app says I completed 3 trips and I earned a little over $80.00. Tomorrow March 24th 2023 Ruby/my car will roll over 500K miles. Right now she has 490,973 miles on her. I will record the mileage as it rolls over 500,000 on my Akaso 7000 Sport camera. It’s like a GoPro knock off. I really don’t care
because I am not doing anything crazy with it.
and it was only $70.00 bux and comes with 2 batteries! It doesn’t come with an SD card
and will only take up to a 32 GB card. I will capture the video tomorrow and post it on the maintenance page. Also I will wake up at 9AM going forward. So I get home a little sooner.
tonight I got home at 8:57 PM ET then I get on the peloton for 20 mins, take a quick shower, eat and I am ready for bed. I need like an hour to write a few pages of my ebook. So if I wake up earlier everything else will happen earlier too.
The Uber driver app says I completed 2 trips today. I earned a little under $60.00. I got home tonight at like 7:30 PM ET. I left here this morning at almost noon time. I took I75 home because SunPass tries to stick me for my paper. Because I have been in TampaBay forever
It’s usually like 15 minutes slower but it’s a &1.07 cheaper so when my last ride ends NORTH
of Ulmerton Road in Clearwater, FL. I take interstate 75 home
The Uber Driver app says I completed 3 trips today I made a little over $60.00. It has got to do I think with me getting up at 10:00 AM now instead of 8:00 AM has got something to do with me making so little now. I am pretty sure this coming week Ruby is going to go over 500K miles. I’m going to record it and post it here.
The Uber driver app says I completed 3 trips today. I earned a little over $80.00. Saturday’s have historically been really good, I made a mistake around 4PM that cost me about $30.00. When driving Rideshare a single mistake can cost a lot. Everything is in where you choose to do pickups, and exactly which rides you decide to take, and which kind of vehicle you choose to drive Rideshare in. So driving Rideshare is very High Risk but very low income. If you make a mistake, things can get very bad, very quickly too. Also today, Uber did an update that removed the ability to text riders. I need that ability to send out my rules in advance of their trip, and that have arrived and there was only a phone icon there.
This is the 6th time they have done that to me.
That message (currently is on the miscellaneous tab) I send out to the rider’s before I get to them is very polite, but assertive and right then and there they can and some have Canceled (I didn’t really notice a difference when I started using it like 8 months after I started driving) most riders don’t read it, and I can not help that. If they are breaking any of my rules in that message, or Uber’s rules. I just cancel that trip without discussion and go on to the next trip. A big rule that they usually break of mine is they have a drink, I cancel immediately as soon as I see it. Not nearly as much now though because of trip radar and upfront pricing. The two biggest rules that are broken by riders both a lot are, no more than 4 riders (In addition to the driver) in an Uber X, and no car seat for an infant. If that child can’t walk alone, I need to see a car seat. The over 4 passenger rule you can really only determine by stopping. The no car seat thing, I determine from the car as soon as I see the child. In Florida the law says any child under 6 years old needs a car seat. Since I am a parent and pretty observant, I usually can tell right away. I just cancel, and move on to the next ride. A canceled trip either by the rider or the driver can not be rated. It’s the only way to protect my vehicle (which I use to make my living with) and my rating.
The Uber driver app says I took 2 trips today, and I earned a little over $85.00. It was an Oil Change Friday. In Manatee County Spring Break started last week on the 13th and just today I picked up this young dude named will
and he said “his Spring Break started as soon as his last class was over today” lmao.
As far as staff, it starts on 03/20/2023 and goes through a single 5 day week and ends on Friday 03/24/2023. Spring Break is the best driving week ever.