This is Ruby, this is the car I have used to drive rideshare in St. Petersburg, Florida. I am a male in my mid-forties.
(This is everything I use in my car when I drive for Uber)
As an Amazon Associate and affiliate marketer, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.
Here is a shortened Amazon link to my Learn How To Drive Rideshare ebook this ebook was written completely by me and not AI at all.
It is my first of many written ebooks so it will be a collector’s item
until I take it down.
A driver of any vehicle should always have a dashcam with a good microphone in it
I have found this one to be the best! It is called the Vantrue Pro.
It does not come with a Micro SD card in it so this is the one I use now.
This device just loops recordings over and over on this card, so it is important
To get a good card, don’t ask me how I know that.
Toolwiz Magnetic Telescoping Pickup Tool
Wonder Wafers 250 Count Clean Car
Soundcore by Anker Life A1 True Wireless Earbuds
iOttie Easy One Touch 5 Dashboard & Windshield Universal Car Mount Phone Holder
SanDisk 16GB Clip Sport Go MP3 Player, Black – LED Screen and FM Radio
Lykus Titan MM210 Waterproof Hard Case for DJI Mini 2 SE/DJI Mini 2 that is under 5.5 inches tall.
DJI Mini 2 – Ultralight and Foldable Drone Quadcopter, 3-Axis Gimbal with 4K Camera, 12MP Photo, 31 Mins Flight Time, OcuSync 2.0 10km HD Video Transmission, QuickShots, Gray
Here is a link to my linktree account which I update all the time.
Here is a link to my direct.me account which is similar but better than link tree.
My direct.me (Audible books only page)
Here is the Peloton Bike + that I ride twice every day.
Expect this biography to be very long!
I started driving for Uber (Human only never driven for Uber Eats) on 04/02/2018. I have always lived in Manatee County, FL when I drove for Uber. I am originally from the next county North which is Pinellas County Florida. Since I know it so well I would leave my home in Manatee and drive to Pinellas County, FL each day. I drove in Pinellas County until very early September 2023 when Uber stopped issuing me requests at all in Pinellas or Hillsborough Counties. So I started picking people up in Manatee County and taking them to the surrounding counties. Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Sarasota counties in Florida.
In 2015 there were a lot of bad things happening in my life. I took a good hard look at all of those things that were happening to me, and I decided that they were happening to me because I in one way or another invited them all into my life. These things were happening to me because of the choices I made. There were a lot of things that happened to me because I did not know (Child Support) for example. So when my home got foreclosed on in 2015. I just decided to rebuild my life. I started then, and I told no one about my intentions. I was working in a call center in Clearwater, FL. when I started driving rideshare, I did some math and figured that it was going to be very close, but I could do it on the salary from Uber alone. I did that math based on the 68 percent that Uber paid to the drivers out of what the rider paid AT THAT TIME in 2018. I did that same math in July 2022 and that percentage has dropped down to 45 percent. Now I check the output from an Uber trip and they have completely removed the amount that the rider pays so that can no longer be calculated. I learned a lot of new skills while driving for Uber. While I was learning those new skills, Uber was doing rate cuts. Now I am at a point where I know the tiny income that comes from driving for Uber, is not even close to enough to support itself, let alone me and my mother. So I need to learn how to implement the skills that I have learned over these past 5 years while driving for Uber. In addition to the need for implementing the skills that I have learned. I also do not have any friends or girlfriends (on purpose) I have learned that it is people that cause most of my problems. I try to have as little contact with anyone as possible. That is kind of strange being that I am an Uber driver, but people are on their best behavior usually during an Uber trip, it is when they are comfortable and when there are multiple humans that they are a problem, in my experience anyway add alcohol into the mix and humans can be downright mean. I drive for Uber in Pinellas County (where I grew up) pretty much most of the day, then after my last trip I head home which is in Manatee County and I leave everything in Pinellas County. If it was a good or bad day, a Low rating that I did not deserve, I leave it all on the road. I do not want to argue, fight or explain, or convince anyone of anything ever. I drive to earn, and when I am done earning for the day I go home. I do not drink alcohol. I do not smoke cigarettes. I very rarely go out. I have no children that live with me (The Florida courts in their infinite wisdom fixed that) there are no pets that live with me. I have no problem with animals I just choose not to have pets. I can’t afford to feed them, and the time I do have, I spend editing videos and or pictures. Having an animal just would not be fair to them. I try to keep everything in my life now as simple as possible. I drive a rideshare with a Prius, and I try to keep everything as low-cost as possible. I live with my mother who is in her lower 70s since 2020. I drive for Uber throughout Tampa Bay. and then I go home to Manatee every day that I drive.
I have an A.S. Degree (VIEW MY ENTIRE LIFE VIDEO) (on the videos page) TO SEE MY TRANSCRIPTS) and I have had multiple certifications, Microsoft, Comp TIA, CISCO, HDI, the certificate that I am most proud of besides my Part 107 drone cert is my CCNP (3 tests) Routing And Switching Cert. I have had a CCNA (1 test) (CCDA 1 test) I have since let all my certifications expire except my Part 107 drone cert. So I drive full-time for Uber by choice. I am currently trying to transition from my dependence on Uber for income which continues to get less and less, to photography. I could try for Government assistance, (Eww) it is a good thing for some people, but not for me. I chose instead to learn a few new skills. I will always drive for Uber just a lot less.
I drive full-time for Uber Human/Transport. I have driven for Lyft but I just drive now, for Uber only, I am an Uber driver because it allows me to earn, and then learn, and then practice what I have learned. No other job (except Lyft which is similar) provides this type of freedom also I suppose working from home provides freedom also. Driving for Uber is cool because most of my riders think I am an idiot and I just play right along, after all, anyone with any type of sense wouldn’t knowingly lose money driving for Uber? Here is the thing about driving for Uber, (I didn’t know this at first.) driving for Uber is something you have to be able to afford. Uber will probably blame my earnings on my being a full-time driver or somehow it will turn out to be my fault. I have never driven for Uber Eats because I read somewhere that the tips tend to happen a lot less often with Uber Eats but the wear and tear on your vehicle remains the same. Wear and tear on a vehicle is a HUGE expense and is often hidden or blamed on “normal” travel. (I have only ever driven “Uber Human”) I live in Manatee County, Florida, when I drive for Uber, I drive in the next county North called Pinellas County because that is where I have lived, driven, ridden bikes, and the like. I have no kids that live with me. My mother that is in her lower 70s is my roommate since 2020. I do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes anymore, and I do not go out ever. But I do smoke cannabis doctor prescribed it to me to help me sleep. I only use it to sleep with! I drive for Uber, ride my Peloton bike plus 2 times each day, and edit pictures and videos. I also eat and sleep too. After expenses are taken out from the money I receive from Uber driving, I am in the hole. I drive an 11-year-old Prius too. I tell this to my riders when asked. Everything about driving for Uber is awesome, except for the income!
I am extremely sarcastic. I am strategically extremely cheap too (Which is the only way to survive on an Uber salary, Exclusively). I do not have any friends or girlfriends (on purpose) since the end of 2015. I have a son who lives with his mother in the foreign country of Greece (Completely against the will of the father) I am still on the “hook” for $300.00 a month in “Child Support” and that is all I will say about that here. I created a podcast because of it. I live in Manatee County Florida with my mother that is in her lower 70s.
I drive in the next county North, which is Pinellas County, FL. So I drive over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge at least once every day that I drive, which is where I have lived most of my life so that is why I drive there. I primarily drive in DownTown St. Petersburg, FL, and on St. Pete Beach. I have no health insurance so I do this every day. When I say every day, I mean every single day weekends, holidays, and days I am not driving for Uber. since 06/19/2023 I have been riding for 20 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night up from 20 minutes at night that extra 10 minutes is a killer! This is my name on the Peloton platform
Vitamins I take daily in the afternoon. (updated 12/2023)
500 Milligrams of Vitamin C (since about 04/01/2020 (the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic)
1 X Metacaps (Metamucil Fiber capsules) (since ~03-20-2021)
~5000 IU of vitamin D (since about 04/01/2020 (the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic)
1 x fish oil triple strength from Amazon (since ~03-20-2021)
1 tablespoon of high-grade Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Amazon (since ~08/01/2021)
250 MG tablet of Magnesium that I got from Amazon which stopped me from being “tachycardic” in only 2 days. I have started meditating each morning since 02/25/2024 I have started taking a multivitamin since 02/26/2024 I have started taking a prebiotic in a capsule since 02/26/2024
Things I do every day because I do not have health insurance (updated 12/2023) (Edit on 04/16/2024 I was signed up for Florida Blue health care because I am so broke)
I exercise 1 x for 20 minutes in the morning and then 1 X for 30 minutes in the afternoon each day on the Peloton Bike Plus. I saved up my stimulus checks and purchased a Peloton in March of 2021 and it got delivered to me on 05/13/2021 (I ride it for 20 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon). Since I took delivery of it on 05/13/2021
Since February 2024 I have started meditating each morning.
I drink water only and fast for 3 days twice a year. (Every February and August) (Since 2016)
I have an R.O. Chiller and filter system which I drink from mostly.
I also do not eat before 11 AM (since ~03-20-2021) I drink water only and fast for 3 days twice a year. (Every February and August) (Since 2016)
You would think I am the pinnacle of health. I am so not. I was fat but in 2024 I am getting skinnier. I am down 48.6 pounds since October 10th, 2023. I am 5 foot 9. Right now 12/24/2022 I am getting over a cold from like 2 weeks ago. I tried very hard not to but I gave it to my mother. She takes Vitamins daily and rides her bike outdoors 3 times a week this “cold” is not COVID we are pretty sure (She took a test and told me about it) but it has us both coughing a lot. She is going to her Dr. soon anyway, so we will see. If it was Covid she would have tested positive because we live together.
Okay enough about that crap here are a couple things about Uber (The rideshare company)
I do NOT care at all about “Uber pro” I need to be able to decline or cancel any trip for any reason that I want to. I drop a passenger off, and then I go offline while I drive back to St. Pete Beach or Downtown St Petersburg, FL. Here is a link to a screenshot of my current ratings today is January 14th, 2023. I listen to the same songs over and over again literally hundreds or thousands of times. I watch the same movies over and over again. Of course, the trips I take when helping people for Uber are repetitive also. But those trips are what have been exclusively paying the bills for the last 4 years and 3 months. (I started driving for Uber and Lyft while I still had a “regular” job.)
(This is everything I use in my car when I drive for Uber)
As an Amazon Associate and affiliate marketer, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.
Here is a shortened Amazon link to my Learn How To Drive Rideshare ebook this ebook was written completely by me and not AI at all.
It is my first of many written ebooks so it will be a collector’s item
until I take it down.
A driver of any vehicle should always have a dashcam with a good microphone in it
I have found this one to be the best! It is called the Vantrue Pro.
It does not come with a Micro SD card in it so this is the one I use now.
This device just loops recordings over and over on this card, so it is important
To get a good card, don’t ask me how I know that.
Toolwiz Magnetic Telescoping Pickup Tool
Wonder Wafers 250 Count Clean Car
Soundcore by Anker Life A1 True Wireless Earbuds
iOttie Easy One Touch 5 Dashboard & Windshield Universal Car Mount Phone Holder
SanDisk 16GB Clip Sport Go MP3 Player, Black – LED Screen and FM Radio
Lykus Titan MM210 Waterproof Hard Case for DJI Mini 2 SE/DJI Mini 2 that is under 5.5 inches tall.
DJI Mini 2 – Ultralight and Foldable Drone Quadcopter, 3-Axis Gimbal with 4K Camera, 12MP Photo, 31 Mins Flight Time, OcuSync 2.0 10km HD Video Transmission, QuickShots, Gray
Here is a link to my linktree account which I update all the time.
Here is a link to my direct.me account which is similar but better than link tree.
My direct.me (Audible books only page)
Here is the Peloton Bike + that I ride twice every day.