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March 2023

Thursday March 16th 2023

By Food for thought

The Uber driver app says I completed 3 trips today, I earned a little under $95.00. I met a really cool couple today they were from Massachusetts. I knew they we’re going to be a cool ride because we talked about my favorite subject, well actually it is right behind my favorite topic which is food lmao! We spoke about marijuana and about how it is now, contrasted with how it used to be. Kevon made the request on SPB and we went to Bradenton.
It was a good ride as I predicted. Kevon is also a fellow Uber driver.

Wednesday March 15th 2023

By Food for thought

The Uber driver app Says I completed 3 trips today. I earned just over $65.00. I knowingly left Pinellas county at 4:30 PM that cost me around $25.00 at least. I saw a request that was headed to Ellenton and was paying like $32.00 so I took it, and went offline, then home. I got home at like 6:15 PM. Sunset now that Stupid time change. So we should just leave here now.

Sunday March 12th 2023

By Food for thought

The Uber driver app says I completed 3 trips today.
I earned a little over $70.00. I fucked up
a couple times though and that’s all it takes to have
a bad day driving for Uber. I am going to sleep like right now.
It’s like 11:00 PM because oh the stupid time change!

Saturday March 11th 2023

By Food for thought

The Uber driver app says I took 4 trips today.
I made a little over $100.00. Saturday’s at night was always the best night of the week for me. Thankfully Sunday Daytime is even better driving than Saturday Nights used to be. I am talking about volume of rides. You need to decline a lot of trips to find a good one now anyway. It used to be way different. The driver did not know the destination until the rider was in the car and the driver started the trip. Just stop reading right now and think about that. I drove the majority of my 10,000 trips like that. So a driver would drive for several miles and the rider would be going just a few blocks. Lots of those kind of trips every day. I used to drive 7 days a week too. So tomorrow is usually the best non-holiday week. I have had a bad day every day of the week. The best days for driving for Uber are the last two weeks in March every year.

That picture was taken on Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 11:39 AM .

Blog for Friday March 10th 2023

By Food for thought

I forgot to blog last night, that is a side effect of not blogging as soon as I get home. I try not to forget, but I do. I just fell asleep soon after I ate. The Uber app says I completed 3 trips yesterday and I earned a little over $100.00. It rained in St. Petersburg yesterday and my wipers worked on all speeds which is a good thing because my mechanic didn’t have time to do anything last time but replace the brake actuator which is a pretty big job

Thursday March 9th 2023

By Food for thought

It UPS arrived with the new/used head (342.40 shipped) unit for my car. It worked perfectly! I watched a couple videos again, went out there, took out the Map disk from the old unit first (2019) (62.04 shipped) using what I just learned on YouTube, took out the old unit, put in the new unit and everything works perfectly! I put in the new unit and then came in and rode the Peloton and tomorrow I will go driving with that new unit, the Aux cable works again! So does everything else. I can tell which road I am currently driving on and CD’s play again too! So awesome!

Wednesday March 8th 2023

By Food for thought

The Uber driver app says I took a single trip today, I made just over $60.00. Waze also told me that there were $4.00 in SunPass tolls. I am trying to cut down an the miles on Ruby so I don’t leave home until like noon time. Tonight I got home at exactly 8:01 PM. The immediate pay for Uber though is freedom. That is immediate though. You really need to have already like $50K per year. Or you will be old and broke like me. I am blogging right now and literally rolling over to sleep.

Monday March 6th 2023

By Uncategorized

Today is Monday, and this is spring break month. Also, it is the beginning of a new month. What I have been doing with my mother’s help
for about the past year or so anyway. I have a Square card reader and account that was the idea of the rideshare guy a long time ago.
that card reader connects to my phone via Bluetooth and gives me the ability to accept credit card payments. Of course, Square takes their
processing fee before they deposit the remainder in my bank account. My square account was pretty easy to set up and I do not need another bill each month
so I went with them, they also handle any disputes that may arise so that is cool too. I initially set up that account then.
I also have a square terminal that does everything. It is pretty cool, it takes chip cards like the small reader that I have and
also has the ability to process cards via the strip or it allows me to key in the card if I need to. Also, they have some type of payment link
to process payments over the web. The Square Terminal has a screen on it that prompts the user of the card to sign and also it has a printer in it and
it holds receipt paper so it has the ability to print a transaction receipt on the spot. I connect it to my wifi but I think there is a way for it to
store multiple transactions and upload them when you can get to a connection, it is good for processing transactions in a remote location (like in my car)
and it is rechargeable too. So at the beginning of each month, I process via the terminal a charge that allows me to pay for all the bills for the month,
all my credit card minimum payments (6 of them), and her minimum payments for her credit cards (3 of them), the rent, my “Child Support” payment for my kid that lives in
a foreign country that never contacts me, with a heroin-addicted mother. This allows me to concentrate on creating content and selling that content. Which has not
really been going that well but I keep creating any way.


Sunday March 5th 2023

By Food for thought

The Uber app says I completed 3 trips today, I earned a little more than $80.00. I better think of something quick the being broke shit sux. Good thing I don’t have a spouse and kids.
Oh yeah it’s Sunday night I’m bout to be snoring. No driving for me, I sleep in as long as I want.

Saturday March 4th 2023

By Food for thought

The Uber app says I completed 5 trips today. I earned just over $105.00. I am now going to blog each night from my bed. This is so awesome! Most people would say yeah that is no big deal. But, to me it is a HUGE deal. Nothing even remotely close to this kind of convenience
was possible at all until the internet and these Mobile devices were invented. I blogged before the Peloton and after I took my vitamins
but that has been officially changed by me. See
it’s pretty rad not having to check with anyone to make a change like that I just do it!
today was kind of easy going, even though I had no tunes. I was going to use my sport clip SanDisk MP3 player but it kept cutting off so I just connected my IPhone to that Bluetooth speaker and created a playlist called “Rideshare” and added a bunch of songs to it. They’re all different Genres. I was pretty much was trying to focus on song without Curse/Swear words in it.